Articles on: Easy Bundles - Miscellaneous

Enabling Product Slots in Footer section of bundles

The below css code needs to be placed in

.gbbSlotFooterProductContainer:has(.gbbSlotFooterProductImage)::before {
content: "" !important; /* Empty the content if the condition is met */

.gbbSlotFooterProductContainer {
font-size: 0px; /* This hides the original content */

.gbbSlotFooterProductContainer::before {
font-size: 14px; /* Set the font size for the ::before content */

.gbbSlotFooterProductContainer:nth-last-child(1)::before {
content: "20% off";

.gbbSlotFooterProductContainer:nth-last-child(2)::before {
content: "20% off";

Edit > Advanced configuration

Bundle level CSS

The Content '20% off' in the below CSS code can be changed as per the requirement of the discount you are giving to the customers

Updated on: 03/03/2025

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