Articles on: Byte Quiz

How to Show Product Recommendations After User Completes a Quiz

How to Show Product Recommendations After User Completes a Quiz

To make sure recommendations show up, make sure you have it enabled in the results tab.

You can also control the heading, subheading and how many products to be displayed here.

Control Recommendations here

To change whether you want to show individual products, collections or tags, navigate to Create > Settings > Recommendations Type

Change Recommendations Type

To include or exclude each individual option of questions, use the "Products" menu or control this at every individual answer level.

See how the included/excluded product recommendations work here

Add products/collections/tags for each answer option in Products Menu

Select Products/Collections to be linked at answer level

At answer edit level

Highly applicable for Skin and Hair Care Quizzes!

See how to setup Product Slots here

Adding Product Slots in the Product Recommendations Page

Products divided and appearing into Slots in Recommendations Page

Updated on: 11/08/2024

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