Articles on: EasyBundles - Bundle Settings

What are the Customization options within Easy Bundles?

Related to: Easy Bundles - Bundle Builder App

Feature: Bundle Customization

Easy Bundles is highly versatile in its customization abilities to match the uniqueness of each store!

Bundle Flow Settings

Customize Banner images and subtext
Customize step and bundle icon images
Customize Summary Page empty state Images and text

Branding Customization

Customize colors of every major component in the bundle like text, buttons etc.
Customize fonts of the bundle to browser supported fonts
Customize Loading screen and Video Screen settings
Do extensive customization using the Custom styles section to modify CSS code
Redirect to cart instead of checkout

Language Configurations

Change the text of every place holder in the bundle like "Add to Box", "Filter" etcetera as required.
Enable Multiple Language Mode or optimize for default language using the Single Language Mode

Updated on: 02/04/2024

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